About ADG

ADG is a next-generation innovation and design consultancy. We build ventures that reinvent the world.

We partner with leading institutions, corporations, government agencies, venture capital firms and ambitious startups to bring concepts to market. More than forward-thinking, our work reimagines the future. ADG designs products and businesses that impact the way people interact with the physical and digital world.

Keep scrolling to learn more about our approach.

150+ start ups accelerated
Projects on every continent except Antarctica
Three Fortune Global 500s
What defines ADG's approach to venture building?
Design & Society

In a world where everything is connected, ADG sees the whole picture. We explore the relationships between business, individuals and society — balancing user needs with systems thinking to find solutions for sustainable growth. Clients gain new perspectives on the challenges they face. ADG finds opportunities to shift entire industries and breaks them down into actionable steps backed by strategy. It's big picture thinking down to the smallest detail.

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking acknowledges the role of structures in creating the conditions we live in. It can uncover long-term workable solutions to entrenched and recurring problems. ADG employs systems thinking by taking observations, qualitative and quantitative data and using them to identify patterns and expose the underlying structures that shield those patterns and events. ADG develops strategies that interrupt these cycles by reimagining broken systems.


Futures thinking is more than simply foresight planning. Grounded in present-day observations and facts, ADG examines “signals of change,” trends and drivers that allow us to develop narratives about possible futures. These forecasts support nuanced risk assessments that inspire our clients to choose different strategies today, leveraging existing capabilities and market position to overcome constraints and fuel potential.


In building resilient strategies for our clients, ADG considers factors immediately relevant as well as the macro influences, trends and structures that will shape the context in which they do business for years to come. ADG delivers product and business strategy, as well as go to market and growth strategy.

Conceptual Cultivation

To impact the future, ideas must be achievable. ADG reimagines tomorrow by cultivating concepts for solutions, products and platforms that can be built today. With team members operating at the cutting-edge of their fields, we have the specialized knowledge to know what’s possible — down to the smallest detail.

Growth Ecosystems

ADG brings talent to the table. We incubate growth ecosystems to support successful venture design. Our agile approach means we have specialists along each phase of the project pipeline. Each project demands a unique constellation of talent. We call in outside partners and authorities, building upon innovations to unlock new futures.

Journal paper published
Lectures delivered
Conference presentations
Browse a selection of our work to learn more about ADG's approach.